Life is Not an Iffy Matter
Living from a “What If” Life to an “If Then” Life
Many of us live a “what If” life or an “if only” life. Looking back, we ask, “what if this had happened or not happened?” In personal reflections, we think of situations and say, “If only I done this or not done that life would now be different.” It is very difficult to live such an iffy live, full of contingencies and unknowns. The popular 2010 movie, What If, and its recent resurgence suggests that many people are concerned about their “What If” and “If Only” existence.
Not only individuals, but congregations have moments when they ask those “What If” and “If Only” questions. We may be thinking of those questions as we contemplate our congregational meeting this Sunday. I have. In Paul’s letter to the little congregation at Philippi it is likely they were asking, “If our beloved Paul is in prison and does not know if he will live or die, what about us?” “How can we go on?”
I am struck by Paul’s “If then” (Phil. 2:1), the certainties of their life together in Christ. I recall similar language in Col. 3:1; Rom. 6:5. For those who are believing in Christ (Phil. 1:29) life is not an iffy matter. True, our personal lives and congregational life will always face some uncertainties. But we must face them with “If Then” familial convictions.
Paul’s “If Thens” for the Philippians and for SRCC
1) Any encouragement in Christ;
2) Consolation from love;
3) Sharing in the Spirit;
4) Compassion and sympathy.
“If Thens” lead to some “So Thens”
1) Be of the same mind;
2) Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit;
3) In humility count others better than yourselves;
4) Look not to your own interests but to the interests of others;
5) Let the same mind be in you that you have in Christ Jesus.
The life of faith in Jesus goes from “What If?” to “If Then” to “So Then.” It ends “And Then.” Its goal is that when Christ appears we may be pure and blameless.
—Tom Yoakum