We serve the God and Father of all mankind. The kingdom of God is not limited to us here in the United States, but is populated by God’s people around the world. We do what we can to help our brothers and sisters abroad with their needs and the needs of their communities.
In Nigeria, the church supported native preacher Stephen Bekee for about ten years until his death in the 1990's. We continue to support his widow, Gladys. His son Uchenna Bekee has become a preacher and is supported by the local church where he preaches. Uchenna is also working to start a Christian school (Hidden Treasures Christian School) to which some in the church contribute individually.
Update (April 15,2014) : Here are pictures from Uchenna Bekee of work being done on the first school building. The work had been stopped for over a month for lack of funds with only the first story partially completed. Work is now progressing to finish the 1st floor and start work on the 2nd. The finished building will have 3 floors, with a total of 13 classrooms and 5 offices. All of the cement blocks (see last picture) were made by hand last year at the building site. The total cost of the building when completed will be about $150,000. So far $53,000 has been spent.
The West Georgia Church of Christ is overseeing the collection and sending of funds for this work. The bulk of this money has come from other churches and individuals. In a typical year the Storrs Road Church contributes about $3000 toward the school, with some of that going to teachers salaries. The money is sent to the West Georgia church quarterly, and comes from individuals who regularly designate specific amounts for the school.

In India, Babu Pothan conducts gospel meetings, travels as an itinerant preacher to villages, and runs a preacher training school for one week each month. Additionally, he and his wife Latha have about 12 needy children that they directly support. Part of the monthly support for this work also goes to benevolence to widows and orphans and other needy people.