When God Lets You Down
John was in prison when he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the one we’ve been expecting, or should we look for someone else?”
Peter and What Is Clean/Unclean?
What do you know about clean and unclean things… are you sure?
Questions About Philip and the Eunuch
Acts 8:26-40
Tom asks questions about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
Lessons From James
My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent, humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
James 1:19-21
I Will Sing of Your Love Forever
I will sing about the Lord’s faithful love forever; I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations with my mouth.