Building Bridges Instead of Walls
Lately, I’ve been drawn to songs that are socially conscious, like the Youngbloods’ Come Together, Bob Dylan’s The Times, They are a’ Changing, and Blowing in the Wind. One song that hit me recently was a song by Peter Gabriel, a musician who used to front the progressive rock band Genesis in the late sixties to mid seventies. Actually, there are three, all from his third solo album.
Games Without Frontiers is a song you might still hear on classic rock radio stations. It’s a commentary on the futility of war, but also its inevitability, because of human nature.
Another song is called Biko, written as a eulogy for Stephen Biko, an anti-apartheid activist who died in police custody on September 12, 1977 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The government had reported he’d died of malnutrition after a hunger strike, but the truth was that he’d suffered a traumatic brain injury from police beatings and died.
But the song I’m going to talk about this morning is called Not One of Us.
A Tale of Two Trees
Last week, guest speaker Ken Bever spoke of a mustard seed that grows into a large tree. This week, Tom Yoakum shares a story of a different tree he was reminded of, the tree in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4, and what was to become of it… and him.
Planting a Single Seed
Ken Bever, president and co-founder of Hope fore Haiti’s Children, spoke to us about how a small seed can lead to great works.
Scripture: Matthew 13:31-33
Servant Survivor
Though we are a servant survivor congregation, we have a mission to seek and save the lost as we go. The sermon this week focuses on Isaiah 2, and how it connects to the baptism of one Ethiopian eunuch who traveled thousands of miles just to worship at the temple…
Jesus is Coming Back
Dennis Lacoss shares scriptures regarding the second coming of Christ
Tearing Down Walls
During the final week of Jesus’s earthly ministry, all of the gospels record that he entered the temple courts and drove out those buying and selling and converting currency. John’s gospel adds the detail that he did so wielding a whip he himself had made out of cords. This is not only a premeditated act, but possibly the most violent act of Jesus’s ministry.
Storrs Road Celebrates 50 Years
Storrs Road Celebrates 50 Years
Sermon: Phillip Elliott
Scripture: Luke 6:17-26
Communion: Dayton Miyashiro
Congregational Singing
A song service of members’ favorite hymns, introduced by Dennis Lacoss and conducted by Angela C. Howell.
The Measure You Give
Peter thought he was being generous when he asked if he should forgive a person as many as seven times. He had to have been absolutely floored by Jesus’s response.
The Prism of the Gospel
Like light through a prism, Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection divides the Gospel into a colorful message
Be Ye Thankful
The Lord’s Supper is often referred to as the Eucharist, which is a transliteration from Greek which means thankfulness or thanksgiving. In Tom’s sermon, we are challenged to remember what God has done and be thankful always.
God's Women of Inspiration: Deborah and the Samaritan Woman
Deborah, the Prophetess who judged Israel, and the Samaritan Woman, whose name we never learn, but who preached Jesus’s coming to her entire town, are both examples of how we all can serve Christ, no matter who—or indeed what gender—we happen to be!
Searching for the New Testament Church
Nowhere is there an official description of a “New Testament church.” Instead, there is a story in the New Testament of the formation of Christ’s body, the church, and its on-going life. That story is our model and authority for us as we seek to become and be the body of Christ, his church.
Three Questions
How do you see your congregation as it is now?
What is your vision for your congregation in the future?
What are you personally doing to help bring your vision to realization?