Johnny Is as Johnny Does

There is something about a name, even the name Johnny. In our family room there is a prominent picture of my oldest sibling, John Hickman Yoakum. Johnny as we often called him is smiling and strumming a rhythm guitar which he learned to play by listening to Johnny Cash records. The picture dates to an era when television viewers heard Ed McMahon cry out “Here’s Johnny!”

What is there about the name John or Johnny, its diminutive? I look first to its original meaning. John comes from a Hebrew word meaning, “God is gracious.” What an honor to be named John! What great expectations! Consider the naming of John the baptizer (Luke 1:13-17, 57-66).

With disclaimers for some of its crude usages and the more prevalent saying, “Handsome is as handsome does,” I look to some uses of Johnny in American idiom. More than a century ago came the saying, “Johnny on the spot,” -- someone ready and available as needed. About the middle of last century, we began to hear, “Johnny come lately,” designating a new person somewhat inadequately offering to take care of needed work in changing times.

I did not find the saying I grew up with, “Johnny is as Johnny does.” I recall hearing it from grandmother concerning a “gospel meeting preacher” offering himself as the answer to all our needs and problems. Occasionally, it was directed to us boys at home concerning things we had promised to do but never got around to doing. It could be challenging as in “Put your money where your mouth is,” but on the lips of my grandmother it was cautionary, “Take a long look.” More like Jesus’ response to the question, “Are you the one to come?” asked by John the Baptist’s followers -- “Tell John what you have seen and heard” (Lk. 7:18-23).

My thoughts were prompted by Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. Paul gave them a “Purpose Statement” (Phil. 2:14-16). He followed with his own purpose statement, One thing I do . . . (3:13). Finally, he invited them to take a long look (4:8-9). “Paul is as Paul does.” We here at Storrs Road need a purpose statement to call us higher and forward. In the meantime, we have many “Johnny on the spot” members and we welcome all very adequate “Johnny come lately” men and women.

“Tommy” Yoakum


“But One Thing I ____”


On Jewish Hospitality