How well do you know Jesus?

How well do you know Jesus? Well enough to listen to him? Well enough to trust him? Well enough to confess him as Lord and give your life in service to him? Most of you reading this would say “Yes” to all of that, as we should. Sometimes that’s easy to do. Sometimes it’s not.

This morning, as we dig into parts of the first two chapters of the Gospel of Mark, I want us to think about Jesus and his attitude as he touches and teaches from town to town. But let’s also try to think about what the people were thinking and feeling who heard and observed Jesus. What was it like for those who were healed? What was it like for those who weren’t? What was it like for those who experienced Jesus’ words as refreshing and life-giving? What was it like for those who thought he’d lost his mind? All of our perspectives are meaningful, and Jesus surely knew that he was being perceived in many different ways, but he didn’t let fear derail him from his purpose. And we shouldn’t let fear derail us from our faithful following of the One who has the power and authority to change our lives for the better.

If you are hurting, Jesus can help. If you’re broken, Jesus can put you back together. If you’re dirty, Jesus can clean you up and give you dignity again. If you’re lost, Jesus can find you. If you’re confused, Jesus can give clarity and peace. If you are alone, Jesus will come alongside you and walk with you every step of your journey. These are just some of the things we learn from watching him and realizing that his ministry to others was also ministry for us. My prayer for us all today is that we have ears to hear and eyes to see – and faith to follow.

God bless,

Patrick Barber


Do You Enjoy Change?


Learning from Jesus