A Note From the Preacher

Good morning, Church. Over the next few weeks, I hope to present three lessons from the Gospel of Mark that have the potential to not only get us on the right path for this new year but could change our lives. It’s not that these sermons are especially great; that’s not what I mean. But if I am faithful to the word of God, and if we all are active hearers of that word, the Holy Spirit will work in us, and there’s nothing more powerful in the world than the guiding hand of God.

When Mark begins his gospel, he says he wants to tell us good news about a man who wasn’t just a good man, wasn’t just a powerful man, wasn’t just a life-changing man – but was the Son of God.

I believe that most of you reading these words already know something about that man. Maybe you know a lot about that man. Maybe you even have believed so fully in that man that you’ve given your life to him in faith. And if that’s the case, these lessons are more for you than anyone else, because we have allowed that man to live and minister to the world through us. Do we realize what that means? Maybe so, but if not, I’m praying that these three lessons will point us in the right direction. May God work powerfully in us and through us. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

—Patrick Barber


Imagining Two Baptisms


For to Us a Child is Born