As I log into my computer, I delete several “pop-ups.” Dare I suggest an analogy to baptism which keeps popping up in some unexpected places in the NT? I see it in four texts: Acts 2, Gal. 3, Rom. 6 and Col. 2. Dare we delete them?

Acts 2: It is Pentecost and as promised by Joel the Holy Spirit has been poured out. Peter bears witness to the crucified, resurrected, and enthroned Jesus by whom this wonderful work of God was happening. God has made Jesus Lord and Messiah. Convicted by this truth, people cry out, “What shall we do?” Then BAPTISM POPS UP. Peter commands “repent and be baptized every one of you unto the remission of sins. You will receive the Spirit.” 3000 receive Peter’s word and are baptized.

Galatians 3: In churches where Jewish and Gentile believers were being persuaded to eat at different tables by another gospel, Paul proclaims the gospel that was preached by Abraham who believed God’s promise and was counted righteous by faith. As an interim God gave the law to lead us to Christ. The guardian has ended. Faith has come and all are justified by faith. Then BAPTISM POPS UP. Paul explains: “for in Christ Jesus you are all sons God through faith, for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” A host of separated people are united and become Abraham’s seed/sons. Since they have been adopted as sons God has sent the Spirit of his Son into their hearts.

Romans 6: Paul argues at length that one is justified by faith, not by works of law. The love of God has been poured out through the Holy Spirit. Reconciled through Jesus Christ, sin no longer reigns. Some were saying that this grace plan provided no basis for right living. Then BAPTISM POPS UP. “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ have been baptized into his death [and] are raised up with him to walk in newness of life?”

Colossians 2: Paul hymns the surpassing Christ in whom God’s fullness is seen (1:15-20). But a human philosophy was promoting a self-made religion to conquer the elemental spirits of the universe. Never, says Paul, It is only by Christ that God’s fullness is received. Then BAPTISM POPS UP: “having been buried with him in baptism in which you were raised up with him through faith in the powerful working of God.” Those once dead, God made alive: forgiving, cancelling sin’s debt, and triumphing over rulers and powers in him. Today many teach that one receives Jesus simply by asking him into our lives. There is not a single conversion story of that sort in the NT. Rather, Paul tells how to receive Jesus Christ as Lord. Let us not delete those baptism pop-ups.

—Tom Yoakum


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